Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Reptile week

Sometimes I feel like I'm in a Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom episode. You know the one's where they tell you about killer ants, deadly snakes, etc.?

Overall, we seem to be settling in. We have gotten almost all of the boxes unpacked. We are ready to hang pictures, just need the facilities guys to come do the hanging since they have the correct tools to do the job on cement block walls.

Don had a business trip to Gulu, which is about 5 hours away, so I was happy for him to get to do a little traveling, and maybe see some sights. He saw some baboons, and even took their picture. Unfortunately, the baboons decided it was a good opportunity to pose in a very unflattering way, and I cannot use the pic. Maybe next time.

Saturday our guard informed us that we had Safari Ants trying to get into our yard. Hmmm, Safari Ants? I've heard stories of these ants that travel in a swarm, are very territorial, and can be deadly to small animals and small people. Well, that wasn't going to happen to me, right? Wrong! There they were....traveling through the open storm drain to go into our neighbor's yard,  so that they could come around the back storm drain, and into our yard!


 It was Saturday, so no way maintenance is coming to spray. So, the guard instructed the gardener to get boiling water and gasoline to douse them and sprinkle along the property line. Apparently they do not like the smell of gas, and will go a new direction. An added bonus of the gas, is that the snakes do no like it either. Apparently we had a cobra heading our way this week, but was stopped by the gardener. He said there are not any more in the yard, and they do not like the gas smell, so should deter them from coming in. So my theory; weekly gas application, but please, no smoking.

Sunday was an enjoyable day at Sam's school. We had a fundraiser "Family Fun Day". We helped with the soda sales, and also got to do a little shopping at the booths. I got some nice hand sewn items, and some of the Uganda beads that are made from recycled paper and then painted. The money goes to a children's orphanage, and to help women get ahead. I'm trying to stock up to send back for everyone. Let me know you would like one, and if so, a color preference.

I also have a friend here that makes these wonderful kimonos, aprons,slippers, and makeup bags. You can see her creations at lucciejensen.com.

I almost forgot about the lizards. Yesterday I saw the gardener digging up white eggs, and dropping them into the open water drain. So, I mosey on out to see what kind of eggs we are dealing with here. Fortunately, they are only lizard eggs.
There were 12 of them, and he felt like they had been laid by three mommas. He said the rain will wash them out, and then when the cover by soil again, they will hatch....somewhere else. Which, is exactly what I prefer, somewhere else! We have so many lizard type characters already on the property, that I prefer to reduce the number.

1 comment:

  1. The whole gasoline thing... that don't sound quite safe. *hiding my matches and pack of Newports*

    But if it keeps critters away, so be it. Wonder if that would work in my backyard.

    The jewelry from paper... that is creative. I would've never thought that was possible. It is really nice!
