Sunday, September 9, 2012

HIstory Lesson and Dog Drama

Saturday kicked off my Kampala history lesson with a bus tour. We went to several historic places around the city. The Mengo Palace, which was rebuilt in the 90's after being destroyed in an attack. Interestingly enough, there is a small, occupied village on the property, and we enjoyed seeing the little children helping with chores by getting water. It seems like everyone pitches in here, regardless of age.

We traveled on to the Buganda PParliament house and enjoyed a song equivalent to our national anthem sang by three men. They have great pride in their heritage here.

We passed by the Tubaga Catholic Cathedral, which contains the remains of the first African priest.

Then on to the Old Kampala Mosque, which was built with funds provided by Gaddafi. This is where we were sized up for our attire, and then quickly covered in scarves from head to anklej I did not go inside, or climb to the top of the tower to see the city, but it was pretty from the outside.

We then went on to the Bahai Temple It sits high up on the hill, and has a constant, cool breeze. It was so peaceful. I could have sat down in the grass and stayed there for hours. I loved "The Principles of this faith"; REMOVAL OF ALL FORMS OF PREJUDICE. What a wonderful world it would be!

As we traveled around, I finally had the opportunity to take some pictures of the crazy traffic.

Honestly, the pictures do not do it justice, but maybe you can get an idea from them. I really wanted one with the dude carrying the sofa on the motorcycle, but we were going to fast.

We wrapped up Saturday with another pizza by Grace, Yum!


We had a wonderful, low-ke,y Sunday until the evening, when Fletcher decided to sneak out the door, run around the yard in the dark, and came back in throwing up and with a swollen face! Now what am I supposed to do about that?! I mean, new country, new insect,s and slithery things. So, I called a vet listed in our handy Health Guide, and she tells me he was probably stung by something and is likely having an allergic reaction. O_0. She tells me to go to a pharmacy and get him a steroid. Ummmmm, pharmacy, do I have a pharmacy close by here? Why yes we do. So, we called a neighbor, who takes me to the pharmacy, and I paid about forty cents for a few pills, and an hour later the swelling goes down. I'm thankful for that. So, no more jaunts in the dark for him!


  1. Those places you visited sound really nice. I will be reading about those.

    Poor puppy. I wonder what bit him? (my imagination is running wild). I am glad he is okay.

    That pizza. you need to learn to make it so you can relay that recipe to me.

    That traffic.... uh, a lot going on. And there are people walking along the road. I can see it is the way of life there. Not sure we would survive too well over here with no true sidewalks on Peachtree street. Man.

    Good post, honey! Miss you over here in the states!!

  2. Hey Ol'girl! I hope you enjoy reading the links. The pup is better. We have to make sure he doesn't get our again because he did not learn his lesson. He loves to chase the frogs and lizards so I need to read up on them to see if there is some type of poison from them. The pizza is crust from scratch; yeast, flour, salt.... fresh tomatoes. I don't think I could recreate. I'm serious, I think she's a magician or an angel! Miss you too. And my other peeps there!

  3. Hey Shell..The streets look different what are they clay? Dont look like Uganda Dept of Transportation uses the same road material...yummy looking Mommy makes pizza from scratch she said not really hard...make sure you learn her secrets...I am gonna leave the Skype open so if you can ring me!! Love and Hugs
