Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Packout Complete!

Finally, the packout/move out process is complete. What a job! The movers where at our house for four days, completing the job on Friday. We spent the next four days cleaning, patching, painting, and packing up the last of our personal items that we will take in our suitcases. It was quite a task to make sure we kept only what we needed, but enough of the essentials to last approximately a month until our things arrive.

I cannot thank my friends and neighbors enough for all of their help in the process. I had a great send off at work, complete with cake (I love cake).

Our wonderful supper club group had a cookout, and helped take a few things into storage for us, holding it hostage so we would be sure to come back when we return. Another friend took my large envelope of old family pictures to create a memory book for me that is long overdue.

I also had a fun surprise when I was preparing for our realtor to come over and do the final inspection; an unpacked cabinet!!!  My Christmas dishes! Now what am I supposed to do with that? A quick phone call to a wonderful friend, and she shows up with the perfect sized box, complete with bubble wrap and tape. I quickly packed all of it up, and she took it to store for me. Thanks so much friend!

All and all, a very tiring week, but it was made so much easier with the help of  such wonderful friends.


  1. *tears*

    Hate to see you go, but glad the packing is done. I know you are tired! But glad your friends were of great assistance to you!

    Check my blog for your cake pictures!

  2. Thanks LadyLee! I borrowed the pics from your blog. I can still tatse that cake, yum! And, thanks for dedicating a whole post to me, I feel special. Do you mind if I share the link to your blog?
