Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Momentary Freak-Out!

Tuesday?! Like six days from now, Tuesday?! How can this be? We have been looking forward to this day for a long time, but Tuesday? Of next week Tuesday, the movers are coming?

 (Shelly looks around the room) 0_0'

She sees everything in it's place, just the way she likes it. On top of the TV Armoire, she sees the canvas picture of her and the kids at the beach when they are small. Her favorite pair of finials that she purchased while shopping with a special sister-in-law in Decatur sit nicely beside the photo, and her wedding album tucked neatly away in the cubby of the armoire. She especially notices the pictures that are all still nicely hung on the walls, and wonders how things will ever be ready for movers on Tuesday.

So, how could this be? How could the movers be coming Tuesday? With so much to be accomplished before they come... on Tuesday?!!


  1. Michelle - take pictures! That way you will have everything with you even if it's in storage! This is an incredible journey and I am so excited for all of you! Your positive outlook is going to make the transition easier. Prayers are going before you to Uganda and with you as you close out this chapter of your life!

  2. You had a Lifetime television for women moment, honey!

    I say load the whole house on one of those "Wide Load" trailers I see rolling down the freeway... and put it on a boat and take it with you!!


    Can't do that. (It would be nice, though).

    I like Trudy's suggestion. Take pictures. And plenty of them!

    Movers are coming! Get ta packing!!

  3. I will take lots of pics and post them. The movers are doing the paking, but lots of other stuff to do. I think I'm going to need to take a few days off work to accomplish this task.
